Schaeffer -
Inventor of: Musique Concrete
Edgard Varese -
"I long for instruments obedient to my thought and whim, with their
contribution of a whole new world of unsuspected sounds which will lend
themselves to the exigencies of my inner rhythm
Ferruccio Busoni -
Prophet of modern electronic music
Midlife Recital was recorded at the Art Institute of
Pittsburgh. Completely accomplished in one morning as a four hour
class. It's the first formal melodic solo using electronics I know
of. The teacher of the class was Doug Heaps, friend, producer,
drummer. Doug and I also performed in the Royal Crusader
musical ensemble.
all recordings by Vince Schaefer |
class demonstrating the potential of electronics in music, and the
recording of, is A Midlife Recital by Vince Schaefer |
to short Real Audio samples of the solo that download in seconds:
A Midlife Recital
Midlife Recital was recorded at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh.
Completely accomplished in one morning as a four hour class. It was the
set-up for recording, along with a three hour demonstration of the
DrumKAT, and the three, actual, 'takes'.