Common Laugh Productions, music recording and production Odious Dyne Color-guard featured modern dance ideas!

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Pierre Schaeffer -Pierre Schaeffer studied as an engineer and broadcaster! Inventor of: Musique Concrete

Edgard Varese - Varese was inspired by Busoni and Debussey!
"I long for instruments obedient to my thought and whim, with their contribution of a whole new world of unsuspected sounds which will lend themselves to the exigencies of my inner rhythm

Ferruccio Busoni - Busoni was a prophet of electronic music!
Prophet of modern electronic music


Odious Dyne Winter Color Guard.Winter Color Guard; Odious Dyne with manager Vince Schaefer used choreography and dance in competition, along with the innovative use of sign language!

Odious defined, is something hated for moral reason. 
is a force. Odious Dyne fulfilled their definitive destiny in every way. (name compliments of Diane Bowser silk and Vince Schaefer manager) Descendent from the Flash Color Guard, OD in the first year placed high in local finals, (5th place) and won their Tournament Of Bands conference championship. (an unprecedented feat for first year organizations) The ensemble also competed in: Winter Guard International. Our guard utilized flags (silks), rifles, sign language, and banners to create effects to enhance the choreography, and dance moves. Music from Manhattan Transfer, Chaka Kahn, and Pat Metheny provided the background for this highly visual display. Vince Schaefer in a managerial position, was completely responsible for legalities, fund raising, book-keeping and day to day business of the corps. One highlight was the first actual modern DJ: Sly Jock, featured at a dance the guard hosted. This was before anyone had even heard about: 'scratching' a record, to make musical effects. This Color Guard had a building & gym (Dyne Hall) to call home, and to host dances, dinners, and other fund-raising events. Pinball machines, and a kitchen also provided the funds needed to compete, along with some very successful raffles. Soda, chips, and hoagies were always available hot or cold, at the Dyne Hall kitchen. Dyne Rec Center also rented out space for drummers to rehearse. One of the famous guys was Lee Gregory, a good student and friend. 
    After practice, sunning on the roof, working out on the Universal Gym, playing basketball, or relaxing in the sauna always kept us happy!  

   Frank Miller taught the guard, and wrote all choreography and visual program. 
If you're confused as to how this fits in my drumming resume....I also met my wife Christine at Odious Dyne. Actually I taught the drum line at South Park while she was in their guard!
More info about Vince Schaefer

Odious Dyne Winter Color Guard did death defying tricks to entertain audiences at competitions around the country!

Web Design and Content is Copyright © 2001 Common Laugh Productions and Vince Schaefer